Green Actions

Green Actions

Go Paper-less

If you want to go a step further you can choose to go paperless! You can receive all your bills and letters from banks, energy

Green Actions

Green Gifts

When giving a gift consider a greener alternative, such as making your own present, or offering some of your time and skills to do a

Green Actions

Save the Bees!

There are plenty of environmental initiatives you can take up, but one of the most important is the need to save our bees. These little

Green Actions

Ditch Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are appallingly wasteful to the environment. It is believed that 100 billion plastic shopping bags are used in America each year, and only

Green Actions

Avoid Bottled Water

Bottled water is inefficient, expensive, and produces large amounts of plastic waste. Instead, use a refillable water bottle and tap water; if you like you

Green Actions

Go Organic

The food we consume has a profound effect on the global environment – as the world’s population grows, the demand for food increases and the

Green Actions

Share Car Rides

Following on from point 3, if you have to travel by car, investigate the possibilities for carpooling with friends and neighbours, sharing journeys for work

Green Actions

Save Water

Saving water around the home is another way to reduce the environmental impact of your lifestyle and, as with reducing energy usage, can save you

Green Actions

Save Energy

One of the most direct steps you can take to reduce the impact your lifestyle has on the environment is reducing the amount of energy